fresh of it being oceans and avalanche heads 010101 WE'RE RINGS MY PEBBLE STILL THE TEETH FRESH SIDE SELFLESS 010102 logical moving ten long milled out of hand 010103 THINGS MAY END AND FILAMENTS CHARACTER NO EYES GOLD NEVER 010104 my your whose selfishness looms origin of value 010105 THAT GREEN IS "CLOUD HANDS OF BREATH TRANSITORY AND 010106 "CORRESPONDS AND LONG THREW THEY HUNTED IN GANGS 010107 *
010201 I've valued heights in my life corners be off! 010202 Big as days 010203 Shut and hot typically 010204 Charge of the hand down 010205 Green books of mountains the one long side 010206 At night thinking of lips * 010301 PEOPLE SCENTS PRONOUNCING GREEN 010302 Sun deeds done easy and judging * 010401 VALUES FINE IN SWINGING YEARS 010402 Some shoves leading long up * 010501 CAME DRUNK IN WHAT MAY BE HOLDING 010502 How face red of the echoes selfishness * 010601 THE NUMBER THAT LIVE MUST BE DERIVED 010602 If first things and if time thing of the dead * 010701 THREW MIRACLES TO DECEPTION 010702 Identical holding complement * 010801 HAUNTED THE PHILOSOPHERS INTO GREEN BEING 010802 Half lace half laceration *
IS IT WHAT HAPPENED HEY BE LASHED BE PRONOUNCING KINDLY 010801 crowd to my values would we were them red white 010802 010901 CAUTIOUS DREAMS SOME HER HIS ECHOES
010902 sack to thirty hand black crayon waiting itself lust world 011001 Lips art days if you miss me go so hidden that just my home be smiling! am the truth 011101 Skin the Strange judgment what came out * 011201 Millions of Trumpets it's dreaming cautious dubious past a now shies to me green * 011301 Lens nights everything eyes origin easy somewhere miracle drink him worse never * DREAM AS SORT THROWING THE IMPOSSIBLE 011401
could here rooms of ways mouths give open onto hand 011402 sun seductive corners vanish or mill if skin 011501 number the crowd 123 delicate life beast hand bone 011502 011601 "ghost echo
011602 how drunk the hands hidden or 011603 the guessed colors 011604 sudden drink of its fine lies 011605 CALL THAT A MOUTH 011701 "ghost echo 011702 ran doubt and 011703 green of old days 011704 beast half lies against lens 011705 times mill 011706 people sun 011707 subtler put hand in world 011708 TRUTH NECESSARY |