"Beauty will be CONVULSIVE or it will not be at all." - Andre Breton (image)


If you have any information related to any of the above listed artists (such as critical works, research papers, pertinent essays,
biographical information, photographs, homages, etc.) which you would like to see published on the artist's respective
site in Another Form of Intervention's 'Gallerie,' please do not hesitate to contact me: studiocleo at gmail dot com
[replace the "at" with "@" and "dot" with "." ] Thank you.


| Man Ray | Andre Breton | Carlo Scarpa | El Lissitzky | Imogen Cunningham | Mark Rothko | Kurt Schwitters |
| Amedeo Modigliani | Agnes Martin | Jean Cocteau |
| Modernism | Surrealism | Constructivism | Photography | Architecture | Russian Avant-garde |
| Abstract Expressionism | DaDa | Minimalism | Design | Avant-Garde Film |

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